Tea and Coffee: Beneficial for Health and Weight Loss

What if I told you that your morning cup of tea or coffee could do more than awaken your senses? A fascinating review article published in 2021 explores the potential health benefits of these beloved beverages, particularly their role in weight loss.1 In this blog post, I would like to highlight the findings of the study. At the end of my blog post, you will find the answers to some common general questions that you may find helpful regarding this topic.

Tea and Coffee: Benefits for Health:

Tea and coffee have been cherished for centuries, not only for their rich flavors but also for their potential health-promoting properties. The review article highlights that tea and coffee can promote health and combat various disorders, including obesity. But what sets them apart, and how can they contribute to weight loss?

The Benefits of Tea:

Let’s start with tea, derived from the Camelia Sinensis plant. From delicate white and green teas to bolder black and oolong varieties, tea offers a range of flavors and numerous health benefits. One key factor in tea’s positive impact on weight loss is its composition, which includes polyphenols, theaflavins, and catechins.

Studies have shown that these substances can reduce fat storage by influencing multiple physiological pathways. For example, they can regulate appetite, decrease lipid absorption in the gastrointestinal system, and stimulate lipid metabolism. However, it’s important to note that reaping these benefits requires significant consumption of tea—about 3-4 cups of strong tea daily for a minimum of 8 weeks.

The benefits of coffee:

Now, let’s move on to coffee, made from the beans of the Coffea plant. Coffee drinkers will be pleased to know that their beloved beverage also holds the potential for weight loss and improved health. Chlorogenic acid, a polyphenol found in coffee and caffeine, plays a significant role in these benefits.

Research indicates that coffee can reduce fat storage through various mechanisms. It can inhibit the multiplication of adipocytes, impact lipid production, and influence gastrointestinal microbiota. By incorporating 3-5 cups of strong coffee into your daily routine, you may tap into its potential for weight loss.

Beyond Caffeine:

While caffeine is commonly associated with tea and coffee, it’s not the sole driver of their health benefits. The review article suggests that other compounds in these beverages, such as polyphenols in tea and chlorogenic acid in coffee, contribute to their positive effects. These components possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, aiding metabolic processes and making tea and coffee valuable allies in weight loss efforts.

Takeaways from the Review Article:

  1. Tea and coffee, when consumed in sufficient quantities, can promote weight loss and combat obesity-related disorders.
  2. Both beverages contain caffeine, but other compounds like polyphenols contribute to their health benefits.
  3. Tea can reduce fat storage by influencing appetite, calorie intake, and lipid metabolism.
  4. Coffee can impact adipocyte multiplication, lipid production, and gastrointestinal microbiota, reducing fat storage.
  5. Moderation is key! Enjoy tea and coffee as part of a balanced lifestyle, as excessive consumption may have adverse effects.

Common Questions: Explained and Answered

Does decaffeinated coffee also improve weight loss?

While caffeine is often associated with the benefits of coffee, the review suggests that the positive effects of coffee are not solely dependent on caffeine. Other components, such as chlorogenic acid, found in decaffeinated coffee, can contribute to its potential for weight loss. So for weight loss benefits it doesn‘t matter if you drink regular or decaffeinated coffee.

Is tea or coffee better for weight loss?

Tea’s effects on weight loss are attributed to its polyphenols, while coffee’s impact is attributed to compounds like chlorogenic acid and caffeine. There isn’t much difference between the two beverages regarding weight loss. For general health, green tea would be the best option.

What are the side effects of drinking too much caffeine? 

The side effects may include increased anxiety, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping. Too much caffeine can cause gastrointestinal issues such as stomach upset and increased or irregular heart rate. It can also negatively affect embryos’ and children’s brain development and reproductive organs.

Do coffee and tea stain teeth?

Both coffee and tea have the potential to stain teeth. The dark pigments in these beverages can gradually discolor the enamel over time, leading to teeth staining. Regular dental care and professional teeth cleaning can help mitigate and manage these stains.

Do coffee and tea help with regular bowel movements?

The caffeine content in coffee and the lower concentration in tea can act as a natural laxative and help promote bowel regularity. It stimulates the muscles in the digestive system, including the colon, which can increase bowel movement frequency for some individuals.

When is the best time to drink caffeine?

According to sleep optimization specialist Professor Andrew Huberman, it is advisable to wait approximately 90-100 minutes after waking up before having your first cup of coffee. This approach helps prevent experiencing a dip in energy levels later in the afternoon. Furthermore, Professor Huberman suggests avoiding caffeine in the afternoon and evening to ensure it does not disrupt your nighttime sleep. These guidelines can help optimize your energy levels and promote healthy sleep patterns.


The review article showcases the remarkable potential of tea and coffee to improve health and aid in weight loss. So, whether you’re a tea or coffee lover, take pleasure in knowing that your favorite beverage can contribute to weight loss. Are you a daily coffee drinker or a tea lover? Do you like to drink more than 3 cups to enjoy the weight loss benefits, or do you avoid it for better sleep? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

Remember that the information and recommendations in this blog post should not be viewed as a substitute for professional medical advice. 

  1. Sirotkin AV, Kolesárová A. The anti-obesity and health-promoting effects of tea and coffee. Physiol Res. 2021 Apr 30;70(2):161-168. doi: 10.33549/physiolres.934674. PMID: 33992045; PMCID: PMC8820582.

Picture from lisa870 on Pixabay

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